Mysterious Text !

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Mysterious Text !

You need: Microsoft Wor

Do the following :

1. Word, select Tools, Auto Correct. In the dialog box that appears, is the Replace text as you type box checked? If it isn't, check that box. Now you're ready to go.

2. Open a new document and type =rand().

3. Press Enter.

4. Watch the sequence of sentences appear, feel a chuckle coming on, and try to make sense of the repetitive text.

5. Experiment and change the amount of text by adding different digits, say, =rand(15,22) or =rand(50,50).

6.Watch the mysterious text appear again and feel more chuckles coming on.

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Nishant Srivastava

Author: Nishant Srivastava

Nishant Srivastava is a blogger from India and the author of Geeks Track SEO Tutorial, Blogging tips, How to guide.

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